Friday, September 5, 2008

i'm back...

hello! sorry it's been so long since i've blogged. so much has been going on...
back to school stuff, work, work and more work...

anyway, i'm back to post some more fun stuff, yea...! (sit back and relax please - it's gonna be a long one.)

so... i last blogged about the shufeldt wedding, which i am now done working on. it will be up on my site in it's own gallery soon. stay tuned for that...

i've done some senior sessions - which were so fun - a few concerts - and another wedding. (as well as some stuff in between.)

the month of august FLEW by...

time to get ready for the oh-so-lovely michigan winter that's just around the :(

so anyway, what i want to share now are some adorable pics of my friend joelle's daughters, sinclair and regan.

i took them to downtown ann arbor and did a session with them for joelle's birthday...remember, my forty year old friend (i say it like that 'cause i know she loves it so much) that i mentioned in one of my previous blogs?

any way, here are a few of my favs:

this was in bubble gum alley...
such characters :)

we went into this little crunchy granola store and the girls were having a ball. it was short lived though because we were asked to leave. they didn't like me using their store as my studio apparently...

seriously, how amazing is she? look at the air that girl got...! ( broken bones :)


love more.

love most.

can't even stand it.

love that shoot! thank you so much my little munchkin friends....

next, i have my nieces senior pictures. (BTW, yes i do actually have paying customers - there are really people who are willing to pay me...believe it or not :)

anyway, allie and cailie are seniors this year. notre dame academy and whitmer high school - toledo. congrats to them!!
here are a few of my favs from their shoot...

al, looking adorable as usual...

looking o-nat-u-ral in the field...

more loveliness...

and here's cailie...looking fantastic in the field...
my personal fav...

this one i feel is very cailie. i love it.

how adorable is she?

i love you girls! i had a blast!

that same day, i also shot meghan (allie's sister). i also got a few of the girls with matt, my brother-in-law, as well.
here are some of those...

meghan and allie...
couldn't love this picture more...

here's one with matt in it...the proud father of these two amazing young ladies...
one of meg's in the field...
not all looks...she's also an honor student at xavier university...
love you meg.
ok, carpal tunnel is now starting to set in...
i will post more later...
thanks for reading.
good night.

1 comment:

Joellewallacesiebert said...

Hey...thanks for again broadcasting my age. Are you calling me a cheap non paying customer? You know I am Scottish and for the record I prefer the word f r u g a l.
Thanks again for the great pictures of our girls. If I am prematurely aging it is all their fault. And Regan was right. I am a natural blonde.